The details of the courses and the syllabus are :
Introduction to Supersymmetry :
Syllabus : Susy algebra. Representations of susy. Superspace and superfields. Chiral and vector superfields. Wess-Zumino model.
Moluli space of vacua.
Susy breaking : O' Raifeartaigh model. Lagrangians of susy gauge theories : abelian and non-abelian.
Coupling to matter. Fayet-Iliopoulos mechanism.
Prerequisites : Group theory and QFT at the level of the Prep School.
References :
- H. Baer and X. Tata, Weak scale supersymmetry, Cambridge Univ. Press (2006).
- M. Drees, R. Godbole and P. Roy, Theory and phenomenology of sparticles, World Scienti�c (2004).
- P. C. West, Introduction to supersymmetry and supergravity, World Scientic (1989).
- J. Wess and J. Bagger, Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Princeton Univ. Press (1992).
- R.K. Kaul, Supersymmetry and Supergravity: in Gravitation, gauge theories and the early universe,
487-522, Ed. B.R. Iyer, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1989).
- Electroweak Symmetry Breaking :
Details will be announced soon.
- Applied Supersymmetry :
Dynamics of susy gauge theories. Models of susy theories, MSSM, mSugra. Susy breaking. (More details will follow).
The AdS/CFT Correspondence and Applications :
Syllabus :
Geometry of anti-de Sitter space. Quick review of essentials
of large N gauge theories.
The gravity/gauge theory dictionary (spectrum,
correlators). Computations using the dictionary.
The duality at finite
temperature. Generalisations to vector like models.
Applications to
Quark-Gluon Plasma, QCD spectrum, Technicolour scenarios
and Condensed matter systems (time permitting).
1) A second course in Quantum field theory would
be desirable, especially a coverage of
(a) Gauge theories and their
path integral quantisation (at the level of Peskin and Schroeder chap.
15 and 16)
(b) Renormalisation (at least at the level of chap. 10 of Peskin
and Schroder). An acquaintance with the large N limit
as in Gautam
Mandal's 2012 SERC course or Coleman's article in Aspects of
symmetry would be useful.
2) A working knowledge of general relativity including nontrivial
black hole solutions of Einstein equations would be essential.
References :
TASI lecture notes available on the archive, such as
- Maldacena (hep-th/0309246)
- Polchinski (arXiv: 1010.6134)
- d'Hoker and Freedman (hep-th/0201253)
Details about previous SERC Schools can be found by clicking here