Feb 25 – Feb 27, 2015 at IIT Kanpur

Welcome to 8th India Singapore Symposium in Condensed Matter Physics
Poster Participants:-

1. Local Travel : Kanpur Central Station to IIT Kanpur

2. Exact Venue : Outreach Auditorium IIT Kanpur

3. Accommodation : VH Extension

4. We have arranged accommodation for 24/25/26/27 feb, 2015 nights only. You are expected to report for registration on 25th morning.

5. In case of any difficulties you may contact to Mr. Nirmal Kumar +91 9259553548.

6. Single Poster size (4 feet width x 4.5 feet long)

Registration fee Rs. 1000 for Ph.D Students
Rs. 2000 for Faculty/Scientists

Apply Via Email [email protected]
Phone: +91-512-259-7549/6184
FAX: +91-512-259 -7505